Friday 15 August 2008

Google Lively ... gone a little quiet?

Over a month ago now, Google sprung Lively onto the virtual worlds scene to a mixed reception, but certainly a lot of discussion.

Now, things don't seem to have moved on very much.

I was expecting Lively's launch to be rapidly followed up but some direction and commitment from Google explaining their intended direction, time scales, goals. This just doesn't seem to be the case.

We know that content creation tools are somewhere in closed beta, but have no idea when that will end. I do know that Google hasn't yet finished deciding on either rights management and copyright ownership for content creators, or plans about monetizing that content. Conversations with people at Google lead me to believe that those issues are being discussed at the moment.

The "Lively is only 20% complete" is an interesting stat that I'm not sure has ever been coroborated. What I'm more curious to know however is: how long will we need to wait for the next 20%?

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